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Version: pre-release (v0.79)

Accessing the API

How to access this API

All Vega Wallet software exposes a JSON-RPC API. This API, its endpoints, requests, and responses are all exactly the same, and are handled exactly the same way, whatever the software implementation.

However, the way the JSON-RPC API is exposed depends on the software that implements it. One could expose it through HTTP, another could inject it in the webpage, and yet another could make it accessible through IPC. The layer that exposes this JSON-RPC API is called the "communication layer". Therefore, to access the JSON-RPC API, a third-party application has to interact with the communication layer. The supported communication layers are:

  1. A local service with an HTTP API running on users computer by the mean of an installed software
  2. Coming soon: A JavaScript library injected into the third-party web application pages by the mean of a browser extension
Software compatibility

The beta version of this JSON-RPC API was released with the Vega software v.0.67.0. Make sure the wallet software you are using supports it.

Communicating with the local service

First, you will have to run the Vega wallet using wallet software.

Then, to connect the local service, see "Connect to local service" guide.

Why use JSON-RPC?

To send transactions to a network, third-party applications need to interact with a wallet. However, wallet softwares come in all shape and flavours, such as browser extensions, or an HTTP server. They are all managed in specific ways, and thus it's essential for third-party application developers to account for each implementation. They will need to implement custom adapters for browser extensions, for an HTTP server, etc.

That said, defining a dedicated API for each type of implementation is not desirable. It's error-prone and slows down integration between third-party applications and wallet softwares.

As a result, to strike the right balance between the work that has to be done by a third-party application developer, general availability, and simplicity, the candidate of choice is JSON-RPC. It's well-defined and flexible, and easy to implement on both third-party applications and wallet software, helps standardise communication, doesn't require specific tooling, and can be served on all sorts of communication layers.