📄️ Blockchain height
Get the height of the last tendermint block
📄️ Statistics
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📄️ Vega time
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📄️ Submit transaction
Submit a signed transaction to the network containing a command to be executed such that if the submission is successful then it will be included in the chain's mempool. The network will then attempt to execute the transaction in the next available block, where the results of its execution can be seen on the EventBus.
📄️ Check transaction
Send a signed transaction containing a command to the network to be checked, but not added to the chain's mempool. This is useful for checking the validity of a potential transaction before submitting it.
📄️ Submit raw transaction
Submit a pre-serialised signed transaction containing a command to the network to be executed, such that if the submission is successful then it will be included in the chain's mempool. The network will then attempt to execute the transaction in the next available block, where the results of its execution can be seen on the EventBus.
📄️ Check raw transaction
Send a pre-serialised transaction containing a command to the network to be checked, but then not added to the chain's mempool. This is useful for checking the validity of a potential transaction before submitting it.