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Version: release (v0.77)

Ledger entries

📄️ List ledger entries

Get a list of ledger entries within the given date range. The date range is restricted to a maximum of 5 days. This query requests and sums the number of ledger entries from a given subset of accounts, specified via the 'filter' argument. It returns a time series - implemented as a list of AggregateLedgerEntry structs - with a row for every time the summed ledger entries of the set of specified accounts changes. Each account filter must contain no more than one party ID. At least one party ID must be specified in the from or to account filter. Entries can be filtered by: - the sending account (market ID, asset ID, account type) - receiving account (market ID, asset ID, account type) - sending AND receiving account - transfer type either in addition to the above filters or as a standalone option Note: The date range is restricted to any 5 days. If no start or end date is provided, only ledger entries from the last 5 days will be returned. If a start and end date are provided, but the end date is more than 5 days after the start date, only data up to 5 days after the start date will be returned. If a start date is provided but no end date, the end date will be set to 5 days after the start date. If no start date is provided, but the end date is, the start date will be set to 5 days before the end date.