📄️ Estimate position
Estimate the margin that would be required for maintaining the specified position, collateral increase needed to open the specified position and the liquidation price estimate. Margin estimates are scaled to asset decimal places. Liquidation price estimates are scaled to asset decimal places by default, unless an argument to scale to market decimal places is specified in the request.
📄️ List positions
Get a list of all of a party's positions
📄️ Observe positions
Subscribe to a stream of position updates. The first messages sent through the stream will contain information about current positions, followed by updates to those positions.
📄️ Get time weighted notional position
Get the time weighted notional position for a given party and asset. The time weighted notional position is used to check if a party qualifies for a reward. If no epoch is specified, the final time weighted notional position from the end of the most recently completed epoch is returned. If an epoch is specified, the final time weighted notional position at that epoch is returned.