Community-created guides
Check out the list of guides and tools created by members of the Vega community. If you've created something that you want included on this list, raise an issue on the documentation GitHub repo, with links and a description of what you're submitting.
Community-written guides
Community-created code
Self-hosting Console
How to run your own local version of Console ↗, a sample trading interface. Note, this code may not be actively maintained.
This guide was created by members of the Vega Builders Club. If you spot any problems, you can raise them on the GitHub repo, or send a message on Discord ↗ to reach the Builders Club members.
Signer libraries
The following example libraries provide code for submitting signed transactions to a network running the Vega protocol via gRPC, bypassing the Vega Wallet. Note, these may not be actively maintained, so you should test before using either on an active network.
Bot sample code
Sample code for submitting orders using the APIs: ↗.
Example Python setup code for running a simple market maker: ↗
Note that these repos and the code within them may not be actively maintained, so you should to test it before using it on an active network.