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Version: release (v0.77)

Propose changes to futures market

Propose changes to an existing futures market.


You will need:

  • A connected Vega wallet, with your wallet name and public key to hand
  • A minimum of whichever is larger, associated with that public key: based on the network parameter values for governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerBalance or
  • A minimum equity-like share in the market, to the value of the network parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.minProposerEquityLikeShare
  • Familiarity with market governance

Anatomy of an update market proposal

The update futures market proposal requires the same fields as a new futures market proposal. See the descriptions in the new market proposal tutorial for more on each field.

In addition to the parameters you want to change, you must include all existing parameters from the original new market proposal, even if they are not being changed.

Locked fields

The following fields, which you might recognise from new market proposals, are immutable and cannot be changed. They are not included in the proposal templates.

  • decimalPlaces
  • positionDecimalPlaces
  • name
  • settlementAsset


Note that some network parameters may differ, such as the limits on how long the voting period can last, as follows.

closingTimestampTimestamp (Unix time in seconds) when voting closes for this proposal. The chosen time must be between governance.proposal.updateMarket.minClose and governance.proposal.updateMarket.maxClose after the proposal submission time. (int64 as string)
enactmentTimestamp Timestamp (Unix time in seconds) when proposal gets enacted (if passed). The chosen time must be between governance.proposal.updateMarket.minEnact and governance.proposal.updateMarket.maxEnact after closingTimestamp. (int64 as string)

Submitting proposals in a batch

If you want to submit this proposal as part of a larger batch of proposals, follow this sample structure:

"batchProposalSubmission": {
"rationale": {
"title": "High level title",
"description": "Description of all parts of this batch of proposals"
"terms": {
"closingTimestamp": "123",
"changes": [
"enactmentTimestamp": 123,
"cancelTransfer": {
"changes": {
"transferId": "345"
"enactmentTimestamp": 123,
"cancelTransfer": {
"changes": {
"transferId": "789"

Templates and submitting

In the tabs below you'll see:

  • Annotated example describing what each field is for
  • JSON example
  • Command line examples for different operating systems

Replace the example data with the relevant details before submitting.

proposalSubmission: {
rationale: {
title: "Update Lorem Ipsum market",
description: "A proposal to update Lorem Ipsum market"
terms: {
updateMarket: {
// Market ID the update is for.
marketId: "123",
changes: {
// Linear slippage factor is used to cap the slippage component of maintenance margin - it is applied to the slippage volume.
linearSlippageFactor: 0.001,

// Instrument configuration
instrument: {
// Instrument code, human-readable shortcode used to describe the instrument.
code: "APPLES.22",

// Future product configuration
future: {
// Human-readable name/abbreviation of the quote name. (string)
quoteName: "tEuro",

// The data source spec describing the data of settlement data. (object)
dataSourceSpecForSettlementData: {
// DataSourceDefinitionExternal is the top level object used for all external
// data sources. It contains one of any of the defined `SourceType` variants.
external: {
// Contains the data specification that is received from Ethereum sources.
ethOracle: {
// The ID of the EVM based chain which is to be used to source the oracle data. (uint64 as string)
// The ID of the EVM based chain which is to be used to source the oracle data.
sourceChainId: "1",

// Ethereum address of the contract to call.
address: "0x1b44F3514812d835EB1BDB0acB33d3fA3351Ee43",

// The ABI of that contract.
abi: "[{" inputs ":[]," name ":" latestRoundData "," outputs ":[{" internalType ":" int256 "," name ":" "," type ":" int256 "}]," stateMutability ":" view "," type ":" function "}]",

// Name of the method on the contract to call.
method: "latestRoundData",

/* Normalisers are used to convert the data returned from the contract method
* into a standard format. The key of the map is the name of the property,
* which identifies the specific piece of data to other parts of the data
* sourcing framework, for example filters. The value is a JSONPath expression
* for expressing where in the contract call result the required data is
* located, for example $[0] indicates the first result. $[1].price would look
* in the second result returned from the contract for a structure with a key
* called 'price' and use that if it exists. */
normalisers: [
name: "prices.ORANGES.value",
expression: "$[0]"

// Number of confirmations required before the query is considered verified
requiredConfirmations: 3,

// Conditions for determining when to call the contract method.
trigger: {
/* Trigger for an Ethereum call based on the Ethereum block timestamp. Can be
* one-off or repeating. */
timeTrigger: {
/* Repeat the call every n seconds after the initial call. If no time for
* initial call was specified, begin repeating immediately. */
every: 30

// Filters the data returned from the contract method
filters: [
key: {
name: "prices.ORANGES.value",
numberDecimalPlaces: 8
conditions: [
value: "0"

// The data source spec describing the data source for trading termination. (object)
dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: {
// The data source spec describing the data source for trading termination.
internal {
// Internal data source used for emitting timestamps.
time: {
// Conditions that the timestamps should meet in order to be considered.
conditions: [
// Type of comparison to make on the value. (string)

// Value to be compared with by the operator. (string)
value: "1648684800",

// DataSourceSpecToFutureBinding describes which property of the data source data is to be
used as settlement data and which to use as the trading terminated trigger(object) dataSourceSpecBinding: {
// Name of the property in the source data that should be used as settlement data.
// If it is set to "prices.BTC.value", then the Future will use the value of
// this property as settlement data. (string)
settlementDataProperty: "prices.ORANGES.value",

// Name of the property in the data source data that signals termination of trading. (string)
tradingTerminationProperty: "vegaprotocol.builtin.timestamp"

// Optional futures market metadata, tags.
metadata: [

// PriceMonitoringParameters contains a collection of triggers to be used for a given market
priceMonitoringParameters: {
// PriceMonitoringTrigger holds together price projection horizon τ, probability level p, and auction extension duration
triggers: [
// Price monitoring projection horizon τ in seconds. (int64 as string)
horizon: "43200",

// Price monitoring probability level p. (string)
probability: "0.9999999",

/* Price monitoring auction extension duration in seconds should the price
* breach its theoretical level over the specified horizon at the specified
* probability level. (string) */
probability: "3600"

// Risk model for log normal
logNormal: {
// Tau parameter of the risk model, projection horizon measured as a year fraction used in the expected shortfall
calculation to obtain the maintenance margin,
must be a strictly non - negative real number.(number) tau: 0.0001140771161,

// Risk Aversion Parameter. (double as number)
riskAversionParameter: "0.00001",

// Risk model parameters for log normal
params: {
// Mu parameter, annualised growth rate of the underlying asset. (double as number)
mu: 0,

// R parameter, annualised growth rate of the risk-free asset, used for discounting of future cash flows, can be any real number. (double as number)
r: 0.016,

// Sigma parameter, annualised volatility of the underlying asset, must be a strictly non-negative real number. (double as number)
sigma: 0.3,

// Liquidity SLA parameters
liquiditySlaParameters: {
// (string)
priceRange: 0.1,

// Specifies the minimum fraction of time LPs must spend "on the book" providing their committed liquidity. (string)
commitmentMinTimeFraction: "0.1",

// Specifies the number of liquidity epochs over which past performance will continue to affect rewards. (uint64 as string)
performanceHysteresisEpochs: "10",

// Specifies the maximum fraction of their accrued fees an LP that meets the SLA implied by market.liquidity.commitmentMinTimeFraction will lose to liquidity providers
// that achieved a higher SLA performance than them. (string)
slaCompetitionFactor: "0.2",

// The market tick size defines the minimum change in quote price for the market
tickSize: "1",

/* If enabled aggressive orders sent to the market will be delayed by the configured number of blocks */
enableTransactionReordering: true

// Timestamp as Unix time in seconds when voting closes for this proposal,
// constrained by `minClose` and `maxClose` network parameters. (int64 as string)
closingTimestamp: 1724602886,

// Timestamp as Unix time in seconds when proposal gets enacted if passed,
// constrained by `minEnact` and `maxEnact` network parameters. (int64 as string)
enactmentTimestamp: 1724689286,


All proposals are voted on by the community.

To vote, community members need, at a minimum, the larger of the values of the following network parameters governance.proposal.updateMarket.minVoterBalance or associated to their Vega key.

Your proposal will need participation determined by the value of the network parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.requiredParticipation and a majority to the value of the parameter governance.proposal.updateMarket.requiredMajority.


If successful, the proposal will be enacted at the time you specify in the enactmentTimestamp field.