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Version: pre-release (v0.78)

Get fees statistics



Get accumulated fees, rewards, and applied discount information. Either a market or an asset must be supplied as a filter.


Query Parameters

    marketId string

    Restrict fee statistics to those related to the given market.

    assetId string

    Restrict fee statistics to those related to the given asset.

    epochSeq uint64

    Epoch to get referral fee statistics for. If not set, the last complete epoch is used.

    partyId string

    Restrict fee statistics to those for the given party.

    epochFrom uint64

    Restrict fee statistics to epoch range starting with epoch from.

    epochTo uint64

    Restrict fee statistics to epoch range ending with epoch to.


A successful response.

    feesStats object

    Fees statistics for the given request.

    asset string

    Settlement asset of the market.

    epochSeq uint64

    Epoch for which these stats where valid.

    makerFeesGenerated object[]

    Maker fees paid by all trade aggressors, and which makers the fees were paid to.

  • Array [
  • makerFeesPaid object[]

    Amount of maker fees paid by the taker to the maker.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • taker string

    Party that paid the fees.

  • ]
  • market Market the fees were paid in (string)
    refereesDiscountApplied object[]

    Total referral discounts applied to all referee taker fees.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • referrerRewardsGenerated object[]

    Referral rewards generated by all referee taker fees.

  • Array [
  • generatedReward object[]

    Amount of rewards generated per party.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • referrer string

    Referrer party.

  • ]
  • totalFeesPaidAndReceived object[]

    Total trading fees received and paid by the party.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • totalMakerFeesReceived object[]

    Total maker fees received by the maker side.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • totalRewardsReceived object[]

    Total referral rewards received by the referrer of the referral set.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]
  • volumeDiscountApplied object[]

    Total volume discounts applied to all referee taker fees.

  • Array [
  • amount string

    Amount received.

    party string

    Receiving party ID.

    quantumAmount string

    Amount value in quantum.

  • ]