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Version: pre-release (v0.78)

List party activity streak



Get a party's activity across epochs.


Path Parameters

    partyId stringrequired

    Party ID to get the activity streak for.

Query Parameters

    epoch uint64

    Epoch to get the activity streak for. If not set, the last complete epoch is used.


A successful response.

    activityStreak object

    Party's activity streak in a given epoch.

    activeFor uint64

    How many epoch this party has been active for.

    epoch uint64

    The epoch this information is relevant to.

    inactiveFor uint64

    how many epoch this party has been inactive for.

    isActive boolean

    Is this party considered active or not.

    openVolume Party's open interest volume at the end of the given epoch (string)
    party string

    The party.

    rewardDistributionActivityMultiplier string

    The current rewards distribution multiplier for this party.

    rewardVestingActivityMultiplier string

    The vesting multiplier for this party.

    tradedVolume Party's traded volume at the end of the given epoch (string)