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Version: pre-release (v0.78)

Votes list



Get a list of votes. This endpoint may not be exposed by mainnet nodes.


Query Parameters

    proposal string
    party string


A successful response.

    votes object[]
  • Array [
  • elsPerMarket object[]

    The per market weight of the vote compared to the total amount of equity-like share on the market.. It is only populated if the vote is for a batch type proposal.

  • Array [
  • els string

    The equity-like share weight for this market.

    marketId string

    The market ID.

  • ]
  • partyId string

    Voter's party ID.

    proposalId string

    Proposal ID being voted on.

    timestamp int64

    Timestamp in Unix nanoseconds when the vote was acknowledged by the network.

    totalEquityLikeShareWeight string

    The weight of the vote compared to the total amount of equity-like share on the market. It is only populated if the vote is for a single type proposal.

    totalGovernanceTokenBalance string

    Total number of governance token for the party that cast the vote.

    totalGovernanceTokenWeight string

    The weight of this vote based on the total number of governance tokens.

    value Vote value


    Default value: VALUE_UNSPECIFIED

    Which way the party voted.

  • ]