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Version: pre-release (v0.78)

Withdraw assets

Completing a withdrawal

Before beginning a withdrawal, it is worth confirming that there's no scheduled network restart or upgrade in the next 48 hours.

  • Withdrawals may be subject to a delay once started.
  • Any withdrawals that are left 'in progress' during a network restart or upgrade will not be visible in any UI or API request. Your assets will be safe but you will need to get the details of your transaction. See the instructions below for how to do this.

Withdraw your trading assets

If you want to withdraw assets from your general account, you won't need to take any extra steps.

To remove all assets from your public key, you'll need to close all your open positions, cancel your liquidity commitments, if you have any, and redeem your vested staking and trading rewards.

If you plan to stop using the key entirely, check if you have any VEGA tokens connected to it.

If you want to use Etherscan for ERC-20 assets on Ethereum, follow the instructions below.

Withdraw your rewards

Assets received as rewards may be locked for a time. Each epoch, a percentage of the locked amount begins vesting. Any amount that is vested is moved into a vested account. From there, you can redeem vested tokens by transferring them into your general account. Then, they can be withdrawn to an Ethereum address.

  1. You can check the status of all your assets using the Explorer dApp by providing your public key.

  2. Any assets that are listed on Explorer as in the "Vested account" need to be redeemed. Assets that are locked or vesting can't be moved yet. To redeem your vested rewards, go to the rewards page on Console. From there you can transfer those tokens from your vested account into your general account by clicking on "redeem rewards".

    a. From the Governance dApp, you can click on Redeem on the wallet sidebar. This will take you to Console where you can transfer those assets to your Vega general account.

  3. Assets in your general account on Vega can be withdrawn to your Ethereum address using Console's step-by-step process. This is the easiest way to withdraw them. If you want to use Etherscan instead, follow the instructions below.

Withdrawal delays and thresholds

Assets can have a withdrawal delay, as well as a withdrawal delay threshold.

Withdrawal delay: Set on the ERC-20 bridge for all assets. It is the time that a withdrawal is delayed once it's started, before it can be completed. You can see the delay by looking at the ERC-20 bridge contract.

Withdrawal delay threshold: Set per asset in its governance proposal. Requesting to withdraw that amount (and above) will trigger a withdrawal delay. If the threshold is 1, that denotes the smallest decimal position for the market's asset, and thus all withdrawals will have a delay. Query for an asset's details (under erc20) to see each asset's delay threshold.

If your withdrawal amount is higher than the withdrawal threshold, the multi-signature bundle will only be usable after the withdrawal delay has passed, after which the assets can be moved into an Ethereum wallet.

Once the delay time has passed, and if the bundle is valid, the withdrawal must be completed by submitting the bundle to Ethereum and paying the gas fee required.

Withdraw using Etherscan

What you need

You'll need the following information available:

  • Vega public key you want to withdraw from
  • Vega Wallet connection details (wallet name, passphrase)
  • ERC-20 bridge logic address
  • Vega asset ID
  • Receiver Ethereum address for the withdrawal

Bridge address

The ERC-20 bridge address shown is for the Ethereum network that is compatible with the Vega network these docs are pointing to.

Ethereum ERC20 Bridge0x7fe27d970bc8Afc3B11Cc8d9737bfB66B1efd799 🔍Ethereum (Sepolia)

Prepare and send withdrawal transaction

You'll need to prepare a withdrawal transaction to send using your Vega Wallet app.

You can use the following transaction template (formatted for Linux/MacOS):

./vegawallet transaction send --wallet YOUR-WALLETNAME --pubkey YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY --network NETWORK-NAME '{
"withdrawSubmission": {
"asset": "ASSET_ID",
"ext": {
"erc20": {

Query for withdrawal ID

  1. Query for your withdrawal ID, using the list withdrawals API.

You could, instead, calculate it from the transaction signature by generating a sha3 hash in the format:

sha3_256(ethers.utils.arrayify('0x' + sig));

Once the withdrawal delay has passed, you can carry on with the following steps.

Retrieve signature bundle

  1. Retrieve the signature bundle using the get withdrawal API. You'll need the withdrawal ID from the step above to do this.

Run asset withdrawal

  1. Ensure the withdrawal bundle from Vega that you retrieved in the previous step is available.

  2. Go to[erc20_bridge_logic_address] (see above)

  • a. Click on Contract
  • b. Click on Write Contract
  • c. Click on Connect to Web3 and follow instructions provided to connect to your Ethereum wallet
  • d. Under asset_source, paste in the erc20_token_address
  • e. For amount, put in the exact amount from the withdrawal bundle, including all decimal places
  • f. For target, enter the Ethereum address the withdrawal order is for. It does not need to be the running address
  • g. Under creation, insert the creation data assigned by Vega. It is available in the withdrawal bundle
  • h. Under nonce, paste in the exact nonce number from the withdrawal bundle
  • i. Under signatures, paste in the signature string from the withdrawal bundle. This will be very long
  • j. Click Write and follow the wallet prompts, including paying Ethereum gas fees to complete the transaction.

✅ Your withdrawal is then complete and your assets will be in your Ethereum wallet.

Complete withdrawal after reset/upgrade

If your withdrawal transaction was not completed before the Vega network was restarted or upgraded, follow the steps below.

Before a network upgrade or planned restart, a snapshot is taken of the network, which can be used to retrieve the details of an an unfinished withdrawal.

Get transaction data

  1. Find the public key that you started the withdrawal from. Ask the Vega team for the JSON of your transaction. Ask on Discord ↗ or email Confirm that you are in contact with someone from the actual Vega team.

Interact with Ethereum bridge contract

  1. Once you have the transaction JSON, go to the ERC-20 bridge contract on Etherscan.[erc20_bridge_logic_address]#code. (See above for the address.)
  2. Click on the Contract tab
  3. Click on the Write Contract tab
  4. Click on Connect to Web3, which will prompt you to connect to your Ethereum wallet.
  5. Once your wallet is connected, navigate back to Etherscan and click on number 10: withdraw_asset
  6. Complete the form using the information from the JSON you were sent.
  7. Click Write and follow the instructions in your Ethereum wallet. If you see an error, check the information you have entered. It's not possible for the information in the JSON sent by a Vega team member to be incorrect. If you do get an error from your Ethereum wallet such as "this transaction will revert”, or “impossible to estimate gas cost” then reject the transaction and redo the process from step 7.
  8. ✅ Your transaction is then complete and your tokens will be in your Ethereum wallet.