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Version: release (v0.77)

Get fees statistics for a party



Get accumulated fees, rewards, and applied discount information. A party ID must be supplied as a filter.


Path Parameters

    partyId stringrequired

    Restrict fees statistics to those for the given party.

Query Parameters

    assetId string

    Restrict fees statistics to those related to the given asset.

    fromEpoch uint64

    Epoch to filter from (included). If omitted, the range goes from the oldest epoch to the to epoch.

    toEpoch uint64

    Epoch to filter to (included). If omitted, the range goes from from epoch to the most recent epoch.


A successful response.

    feesStatsForParty object[]

    Fees statistics for the given request.

  • Array [
  • assetId string

    Settlement asset of the market.

    refereesDiscountApplied string

    Total referral discounts applied to referee fees.

    totalMakerFeesReceived string

    Total maker fees received by the maker side.

    totalRewardsReceived string

    Total referral rewards received by referrer of the referral set.

    volumeDiscountApplied string

    Total volume discounts applied to referee fees.

  • ]