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Version: testnet (v0.77)

Deposit assets

What you need

You'll need the following information available:

  • Vega public key you want to deposit to
  • ERC-20 bridge logic address
  • Token address for the asset

Bridge address

The ERC-20 bridge logic address shown is for the Ethereum network that is compatible with the Vega network these docs are pointing to.

Ethereum ERC20 Bridge0x7fe27d970bc8Afc3B11Cc8d9737bfB66B1efd799 🔍Ethereum (Sepolia)

Contract and bridge addresses for the validator-run testnet networks, and for mainnet, in the networks repo on GitHub ↗.

Confirm asset

Ensure the token you want to deposit is listed:

  • Go to[erc20_bridge_logic_address]
  • Click "Contract"
  • Click "Read Contract"
  • Click "is_asset_listed"
  • Paste in the ERC20 token address and click "Query"
  • Ensure the result says "true"

Approve spend

Approve bridge to 'spend' the token:

  • Go to[erc20_token_address]
  • Click "Contract"
  • Click "Write Contract"
  • Click "Connect to Web3" and follow instructions
  • Click "approve"
  • Under "spender" paste the erc20_bridge_logic_address
  • Under "amount" enter the amount you want to deposit (ensure the correct number of zeroes to account for the asset's decimals)
  • Click "Write" and follow the wallet prompts

Run deposit function

Run the deposit asset function:

  • Go to[erc20_bridge_logic_address]
  • Click "Contract"
  • Click "Write Contract"
  • Click "Connect to Web3" and follow instructions
  • Click "deposit_asset"
  • Under "asset_source" paste in erc20_token_address
  • Under "amount" enter the amount you want to deposit (ensure the correct number of zeroes)
  • Under "vega_public_key" paste in your Vega wallet public key
  • Click "Write" and follow the wallet prompts

✅ Your deposit is then complete and your assets will be available to use on Vega.